Preamble | Mr Beatnick

Here's what Mr Beatnick had to say in the lead up to his set at this Sunday's session.

Here's what Mr Beatnick had to say in the lead up to his set at this Sunday's session.

1. So, you're spinning a discography selection at CDR. What can we expect to hear? a little insight please!

A mix of old favourites and new things i'm working on.

2. How has attending CDR sessions shaped your journey as a producer?

Everything I write I picture listening to it at Plastic People. It's completely changed the nature of the way I think about sound. and of course now we have a brilliant community there which is the ultimate way to see really if the hard work was worth it. Instant feedback never lies.

3. Who has been on heavy rotation on your audio player of late?

Ahu's new record, i'm fascinated by the Dimlite remix. Donky Pitch sent through a great new 12" he's putting out yesterday. Letherette, best beats record in about a year. Throwing Snow and Pedestrian I think are great - they should collab, both of them are subverting garage rhythms in a similar way. Oriol's record on Planet Mu is brilliant I think, pure technicolour musicality. Burial and kode9's goodbye mix for Mary Anne, just a class end to a incredible program that i'm coming to terms with the loss of. So many great recommendations through her, I would be pretty clueless without them. love to the MAH. Lots of sample and break material, the crazier the better really - I'm constantly buying records, I've barely listened to most of my collection, it's a constant discovery process. Delayed gratification.

4. Talk us through the track you last [cmd] 'S'd ? ([ctrl] 'S' to PC users)

Haha. Just a sketch I was working on. nothing exciting, again I'd rather just sketch lots of things and then expand the best ones. I don't really want to divulge what I'm aiming at these days, because I don't actually know.

5. Any where else that people can hear you spin tunes other than your own?

I play from time to time at places - Boglewaltz jams, stuff in Dalston, Brick Lane way. Little parties with the right crowd. Twitters the only place you can really find out --> @mrbeatnick

6. Any thing else you care to add...Really anything!

Yes! Thanks for inviting us to play Sunday! it's been ages, I can't wait to hear the system with Ade's tweaks.  And hear all of Simbads new dubplates. and it's Semtek's first time there so he's gotta step up, I think he will rise to the occasion. Pce.

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