Preamble | Mo' Kolours

An “Anglo-Mauritian pop-experimentalist”, Mo Kolours has got feet, heads and hips moving through his trilogy of EPs on One Handed Music: Drum Talking, Banana Wine, and Tusk Dance.

Percussion heavy with duppy vocal loops, Mo Kolours has a style all of his own. Prior to his performance at CDR Copenhagen on June 27th, we had a quick, quick chat. His music speaks for itself.

When and where did you first attend CDR? What do you recall?

Can't really remember, years back now!

What do CDR audiences at Culture Box have in store for them when you represent in Copenhagen on June 27th?

Hopefully something to enjoy, I'll be playing some homebrewed product!

Do you consider your music reflective of London sounds, and/or UK scenes?

Yeah... but I hope it has a bit of everything/everywhere else too!

When did your and Henry Rafael's paths first cross?

Wow, this is while back too, maybe at one of the early Paul White gigs.

Both you and Henry both have brothers with comparative sonic skills, how does this aid your crafts?

I'm lucky to have grown up with brothers [Tightface and Jeen Bassa] that share tastes. Having close people to bounce off!

Who/What has been on heavy rotation on your audio player of late?

Hmmm... I've been listening to Roc Marciano's latest recently!

Please talk us through the track you last [cmd] ‘S’d ? ([ctrl] ‘S’ to PC users) [in other words, last project you saved]

I've been working on a new project for One-Handed Music... don't want to spill to much about it ... sorry.

Finally, have you any advice or words of warning for producers/musicians developing musical works in progress to play at CDR?

No warnings... Just a little advice: make stuff everyday!

Follow Mo's movements at and listen/download via

Listen on: Mo Kolours' brother Tightface co-covering the CDR Audio Show.

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