Preamble | Kay Suzuki
So, you're spinning a works and inspirations selection at CDR. What can we expect to hear? a little insight please!
Some remixes I'm working on, quite few beats ideas, versions of my album tracks and lot of re-edits!
How has attending CDR sessions shaped your journey as a producer?
CDR has set my creative path as a producer.
Back in Japan, I wanted to be a singer with skills(didn't give up tho). I had my own band, collecting and playing out records here and there, making beats and all that jazz.... But I didn't know what I am about at that time. To make long story short, I ended up moved to London without knowing anyone, but then about a year later or so I discovered CDR flyer. From that time, I met numbers of really unique producers, musicians and singers, and literally formed my style through those collaborations. Hearing those unique expressions of beats and frequencies in that environment always excite me and motivate me to be more creative and free as much as I can. CDR is one of my main creative resources and home for real music lovers. I also stole lot of little tricks from Daisuke Tanabe too!
Who has been on heavy rotation on your audio player of late?
Bumble Bee Unlimited
Talk us through the track you last [cmd] 'S'd ? ([ctrl] 'S' to PC users)
JB's real hidden jam Re-edit. You'll hear on Sunday.
Any where else that people can hear you spin tunes other than your own?
Tuesday 21st December @ 3 Blind Mice, Shoreditch. It's my new night called "120(one-two-oh) and below".
Rare&Juicy Disco Music under 120BPM. All Vinyl.
Any thing else you care to add..Really anything!
Long live CDR!! [Ahhhh. Thanks!]
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Since we started back in 2001, CDR has been all about community, creating spaces for people to connect and develop through music.
Back in the Plastic People days, you could fit all of us in one small room around one soundsystem. Today, our projects and programmes extend from the dancefloor to schools, youth centres, as well as grassroots clubs and venues across the country and further afield. But in challenging times, with grassroots organisations like ours closing all around us, every bit of support counts.
Your help will enable us to continue delivering music programmes and events in the UK to the people who need it most. Our mission is simple: to build an equitable music ecosystem for producers and artists.
If you have any questions or want to support in other ways please contact us at
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