Preamble | Cosmin TRG

Back in 2007 and '08, Cosmin TRG's releases on Hessle Audio, Subway and Tempa announced his relevance at a time when so-called dubstep was edging closer to its house and techno parentage. Since then he's continued to add to a growing stack of quality 12" releases with two albums out on 50 Weapons, Simulat (2011) and Gordian (2013). Prior to in-depth happenings this Thursday at CDR Berlin, we shared a preamble.

When and where did you first attend or hear about CDR? What do you recall?

I think it was in London in 2010 - it was at Plastic People, Mark Pritchard and Mike Paradinas (if I'm not mistaken) were introducing Juke and Footwork. I remember a lot of very serious-looking people, a lot of chin-stroking and even more excitement from people who were listening to their tracks on a big system for the first time.

What do CDR audiences at Prince Charles have in store for them when you represent in Berlin for our Summerjam + BBQ on August 8th?

It's a summerjam so I think some dusty loops from the past and some contemporary noises should be in store.

Is there a song that is shaping up as your track of Summer 2013?

Plenty tracks could claim the title, but for now it has to go to Makam - Lion King. Really looking forward to D'Marc Cantu's forthcoming EP on Creme, and a track called Tazakuro is a strong contender.

With food available at this week's CDR Berlin, have you a favourite BBQ dish/recipe?

I used to like anything that's been laid on burning coals for 5 minutes, but lately I'm really into Jamaican-style meats and sauces. And I found that my interest is shifting towards the salads which is pretty funny.

Who/What has been on heavy rotation on your audio player of late?

The American Noise compilation on L.I.E.S., Anno Stam's couple of 12"s on all City and Meakusma, lots of '94 era Techno and Electric Wire Hustle.

Please talk us through the track you last [cmd] ‘S’d ? ([ctrl] ‘S’ to PC users) [in other words, last project you saved]

The last track I saved is just a bunch of one-take recordings of a 606, 909 and a Korg Monopoly happily in sync and overdriven - they will hopefully be part of something bigger, like an actual tune.

Finally, have you any advice or words of warning for producers/musicians developing musical works in progress to play at CDR?

I'm terrible at giving advice, but one pointer I could think of right now is, don't be too anal about sound quality in the early stages of a tune. It is of course important to have a good sound that will cut through the mix or stand out in a club, but the quest for pristine quality often stifles creativity. Over the last couple of years, the most interesting music out there has been noisy, lo-fi and brash - novel ideas and creative statements are more important than anything.

At the time of publishing, there are still a few free spaces to register for CDR Berlin this Thursday. Info here.

Listen on: Remember the night at Plastic People with Mark Pritchard and Mike Paradinas? Replay it here.

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