My First CDR | Insert2

One act we've kept replaying songs from is Insert2, aka Moeng (Nuno) and Justin (JSTNS)

As CDR London sum'tings heat up - full session this Thursday night then soundtracking for State of Independence market this weekend - we've been keeping in touch with artists who contributed to our South Africa tour. One act we've kept replaying songs from is Insert2, aka Moeng (Nuno) and Justin (JSTNS). We sent the Joburg-based producers some Qs and they kindly dueted in reply.

When and where did you first attend CDR? What did you make of the session?

We first attended CDR April 2015 in Johannesburg. We could only attend the club session but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Loved hearing what fellow producers in our city are creating and being able to share each other’s music open-mindedly. Also the fact that we’ve been able to expand our musical network has been fantastic.

Any thoughts on what you'd like next for CDR in South Africa (or elsewhere)?

We enjoyed the fact that Tony was mixing our tunes in. It would’ve been cool if each producer had a quick chat about their track(s) before playing them for everybody… but I guess that would’ve taken too long ha, ha!

When and how did you get in to making music? Any particular influences or inspirations you'd like to share?

Music has always been with us, it's second nature for us. Moeng started making music in 2008 and Justin started in 2007. Even though we’ve been friends for 13 years, we only decided to start working together last year and we’ve already learnt so much from each other.

Please describe your work life/creative life tussle. Any tips or tricks for managing to keep making music?

We both work in the Information Technology field so there’s no time for much during the week apart from 2 – 3 hours each day after work that can be allocated to music. There are times when the creativity comes at awkward hours, so the energy levels do take a knock. The best advice we could give is to spend as much time as possible/what your schedule will allow on music, you never know what you could come up with.

Have you a favourite club and/or soundsystem?

Our favourite nightclub has to be Truth in Johannesburg, the quality of music that gets played there is phenomenal and is always consistent. Oh and let us not forget about the Void sound system at Sub-Level/And Club.

Please outline your current production set up.

Our production setup currently consists of two midi keyboards and loads of VST plugins and samples.

Any projects or tracks your working on at the moment that you’d like to let us know about?

We decided to take a short break from making House and are currently working on an electronic, lounge, synth pop type of project that is very experimental for the both of us as it is a genre that we have never really touched. The project is called ‘Lost For Hours’ and will consist of about 6 tracks.

Finally, have you any advice or words of warning for producers/music-makers developing works in progress to play at CDR?

Just have fun making music, that’s when you make the best material, and do not be afraid to experiment; it is needed for your growth as an artist.

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